Wednesday, September 19, 2012


My dance instructor went over the next exercise, “Glissade, jete; glissade, jete; brise, jete…”  Wait, what?  Brise?  I don’t remember learning that back in the day…
I took dance (ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, and contemporary) from the age of 8 years into college through the age of 20 years.  For so long it was my passion and then a little thing called “life” entered the picture and dance fell to the wayside.  Ballet was always my favorite; I’ve taken classes on and off for the past 6 years and have just recently picked it back up!  This week was my first week of class and it kicked my rear! 
Halfway through the class, as the instructor was going over a rather difficult and intricate adagio (a slow, center floor exercise) that was tripping me up, quite literally, I paused, frustrated, and thought, “This may not be for me anymore.”  And as quickly as I thought this, I thought, “Anything worth having is worth working for.”  Isn’t that what our parents always taught us growing up?  What a true statement.  Why is it that we want whatever it is we want available instantly?  Whether it’s that new car or a promotion…we want it now, without having to save or work for it!  But that’s not how we achieve anything.  Hebrews 12:1 tells us, “And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”  This is how our Lord intended life to be, run with joy and determination in all things we do. 
So, as quickly as the negative thought entered my mind, I prayed for patience with myself and my body.  When I went home that evening after class, I practiced the brise combination I learned.  I became more familiar with its technique, breaking it down and working it into the entire combination, becoming more at ease with the transitions.  Like with all things in life, it’ll take time, but in the end, it will be SO worth it! 
Run, or dance, through life with perseverance!   J