Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Smell of a Koosh Ball

I have had this Koosh Ball since I was a young child. I've lost it and found it several times over the years. It smells strange, but it smells good to me...because it smells like a part of my childhood. I posted this picture on Facebook recently and my brother stated, he has also always enjoyed the way it smells. (He's in Afghanistan right now, so I can imagine he could almost smell this as he looked at the picture. I was just happy to give him a little taste of home, if only briefly.) It's funny how scents affect us. I can almost guarantee that everyone has a scent that takes us back to a happier, easier, and more free time of our lives. For example, the scent of a box of fresh Crayola crayons take me back to elementary school, the excitement of the first day! The joy of seeing your friends and new teachers...I always enjoyed school. 

However, there are scents that take us back to maybe, not-so-pleasant times of our lives. Perhaps they take us back to a time when mistakes were made. There is a particular scent that takes me back to a difficult time in my life, a time of heartache, struggle, and challenges. Most times, people would rather not encounter smells like that...but me, I embrace them. Because, regardless of the memories that the scent conjures inside me, it also then leads me to remember how I came out of it. How I got back up and rose again. My scripture reading this morning was 2 Cor. 12, in which Paul states, "I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties." I understand what Paul means here, because it is in these times, when we are to reach out to our Lord and Savior! And He will hear us and bring us through whatever challenges we're facing. 

I'm delighted to say that I've accepted a position and will begin a new job next week! These four months have been difficult and taxing. But I needed them...I needed this time of trial; because it's made me focus on my relationship with Jesus. If anyone knows how much I worry, it's Christ...and dare I say, my husband! However, this time has made me realize the importance of fully trusting in His plan for me and surrendering my anxieties and worries. So, right now, I'm not sure what scent will bring me back to these four months of growth. But I'm thankful for my time of reflection of who I am and who I want to be for my Savior. I am a better person for it.

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