Monday, June 11, 2012

Just Say No

Someone once said, "Sometimes the best, most empowering word you can learn to utter is no."  I would tend to agree with this statement, but I have something to add.  It's not enough to learn to say no; you have to know WHEN to say no.  It's incredible how a simple, two-letter word can make such a difference in our lives.

It's funny to think that one of the first words children learn to say is, in fact, "no."  I feel confident saying most parents probably wish this was not the case, because it's most often said in situations in which the parent would rather hear, "yes" or almost anything else!    

There are so many tragic situations that happen in this world where we think, "why didn't they say no?"  A woman is abused by her partner repeatedly, but continues to go right back to him.  A young man drinks too much at a party, says he's safe to drive, hits and kills a family in a head-on collision.  Texting and driving, affairs, drugs...I could go on and on.  And there are lesser instances like taking on too many responsibilities, resulting in us becoming less effective in our jobs or personal lives. 

But there are times when we should not say no.  Often times God will present us with what I like to call "uncomfortable opportunities" throughout life.  He asks us to step outside of what is part of our routine and enter into a situation that we wouldn't normally, to achieve something bigger than us; to achieve something for the greater good.  I believe we grow the most in these situations of discomfort...don't say no to them, you may just learn something new about yourself and others!

So, how do we know when to say no?  Sometimes, it's common sense or just simply the difference between right and wrong.  But sometimes the lines are a little less clear and skewed just a bit.  In those situations I have learned prayer and reaching out for advice are the ways to help us make the tough decisions.  Don't just learn to say no...learn when to say no, to make it count.

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