Thursday, June 7, 2012


Well, it's only been a year since I last posted anything, ha!  Let's try this again, shall we?

I realization came upon me earlier this week - I've been unemployed for three months now...lovely.  I'm not going to lie, it was hard at first, accepting that the best job I've ever had was over.  The program I built from the ground up was no longer mine.  It eventually sank in when my "replacement" stopped calling and emailing for help.  I worked on a government contract and the government decided...well, I'm not sure what the government decided, I believe they are still trying to figure it out themselves.  Regardless, the government terminated the civilian contract, leaving me, my team of four, and every other states' teams jobless, turning all responsibilities over to their people. 

So, I started doing what an unfortunate amount of Americans are doing now...applying for other jobs, waiting to hear back, and waiting to hear back some more.  At which time, I either receive an email thanking me for my interest in their company, but they've decided to go in another direction.  Or, in the rare case that I have received a call to interview, I get excited, study the company and interview questions, and pull out all my best!  Only a week later to THEN be told thanks for my interest, but they've decided to go in another direction.  Rejection is heart wrenching and discouraging.  I began to feel as if no one wanted me, that I was worthless, despite my experience, honors, and volunteer work. 

I quickly learned that this way of applying for work in today's world is wrong.  Anyone can look good, even great, on paper.  But it's about that face to face communication that tells a company if you're going to fit into their culture.  Someone may not have exactly all the qualifications or experience, but has the personality that will help build stronger team cohesion.  On the other hand, someone may have exactly all the qualifications and experience mentioned in the job description, but have the personality of snail - or worse yet, an angry squirrel - that may eventually result in poor team morale.   Those types of things can't be judged on paper.  It's the wrong way to's the wrong way to chose your team.

It took me a good little while to realize this "time off" that I have been so graciously blessed with (do you detect my sarcasm), may not be at all what I had imagined it to be.  I've always had a problem with giving things to God, as He tells us we must do.  I'm a type A personality, I can handle things myself, and I do.  However, that's not what God had in mind for me...I'm fairly certain He got fed up with me handling things myself and He was determined to make me understand how easy things can be when I turn them over to Him.  But trust me, I didn't give in without a fight!  However, I wish I had!

You see, even though I am a Type A personality, I am a very dependent person, sometimes to a fault.  It's caused me unnecessary heartache and trouble over the years.  But I've rarely been dependent upon the most important...God Himself.  So, after about a month of wallowing in my own self pity, I finally started dabbling in myself and everything that that entails.  I felt incredibly led to just surrender everything to our Lord.  Because, when I look back on the hardships in my recent past, I realized at no point did I ever truly "crash."  I've always had a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on the table, bills paid, etc.  And the same was true now, even with me not having a job.  Yes, things must be a little tighter now, but ultimately, God has blessed my husband with an amazing job and we're ok. 

I'm not going to pretend that I wouldn't rather have a job, because I would and the extra income is nice.  Not to mention that "down time" is not in a Type A individual's vocabulary.  But I know that this time has been designed for me to focus on my relationship with our Lord and Savior.  And that is important...above everything else.  Because when your relationship is right with God...everything else falls right into place.  I know my Lord will provide the perfect job for HIS time, not mine.  God will always provide; God will never leave or forsake us.  Therefore, I resolve to strive to never leave or forsake Him. 

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