Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Sometimes things just don't feel right, whatever "right" may be.  You can't quite put your finger on what is causing the uneasiness, but it can be uncomfortable to the point of annoyance.  What do you do in those moments?  Do you try to stay busy and keep your mind off of it?  Or do you focus on it, trying to decipher the code behind the feelings?  Do you write about it?  :) 

There is very little we can do to control it, so what we really should do is let it go into the Lord's hands and wait.  What an awful word "wait" can be!  We live in a society of "instant gratification," so waiting isn't a word many people enjoy hearing.  But the Lord makes it very clear, several times in the Bible, that He does things according to His time, not ours.  And His time is very different from ours!  It's easier said than done, waiting and trusting in the Lord's time...but if we can achieve this, a new peace can come over us.  He really does know best! 

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