Monday, May 30, 2011

Freedom Is Not Free

Our Great Nation's freedoms do not come free.  What an ironic idea!  Someone, many service men and women, have had to PAY for our freedoms, pay the ultimate sacrifice for our rights to Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech, just to name two very specific Constitutional rights that I will get to in a moment.  Now, I'm going to get on my "soap box" today and exercise my rights to Freedom of Speech, because what has happened is completely appalling. 

I am referring to Westboro Baptist Church's ludicrous and outrageous protests.  This group of radicals and extremists are a disgrace to this country and Christians.  They protests at military funerals with signs that say things like, "Thank God for 9/11" and "Thank God for IEDs!"  Have these people ever lost a family member or friend to such horrific acts or experienced the excrutiating pain of losing a loved one to combat?!  These individuals have obviously never had to sacrifice a damned thing for the Freedom of Speech of which they so blatantly abuse and take advantage!  But these freedoms ARE NOT FREE!  Someone DIED so that you, Westboro Baptist Churh Protesters, can take away their honor, their families' honor!  You didn't earn that Constitutional right, someone else earned it for GIVING THEIR LIFE!  And now you abuse you abuse something that you have never thought twice about earning.  It was given to you and you refuse to thank anyone for it, instead you "spit in the faces" of the service members, their families, and friends that have died so, that you may remain completely and utterly STUPID!  What a disgrace you all are to America and Christians.  Believe me, you are NOT Christians!  May God have mercy on your souls, even though you definitely do not deserve it!

Today is Memorial Day, a day for remembering those that have paid the utlimate sacrifice for our country and its freedoms.  So, stepping down from my "soap box" and getting down on my knees, I'm sending up a prayer of thanks and remembrance to those that have given their lives and prayers for the families that have lost loved ones.  Their sacrifice will never be forgotten!  And I want to thank my husband, father, brother, and many friends for their service to this Great Nation!  God Bless America!

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