Monday, May 23, 2011

"This is the day that the Lord has made;

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!" - Psalms 118:24

My Grandpa is a retired United Methodist Pastor and I remember him opening his sermons with this verse.  What an incredibly uplifting verse, but how often do I find myself unable to remain focused on this message?  Too often, I'm afraid. It is so easy to become invovled in the anxiety of today, but we have control over our attitudes!  So, why choose to be anything other than rejoiceful in our blessings?  It's not as easy as it sounds, though, is it?  We want to be in control; to not have control may mean we're weak...who sold us that lie?!  To have true control is to have complete faith in the Lord and give all of our anxieties to Him.  He will take care of us!  Do not get me wrong, this is difficult to practice and I struggle daily with just that.  So, this morning I pray that the Lord grant me the wisdom to turn my anxieties over to Him.  Because only then will we know true peace!  It is a cloudy, dreary day here and I choose to rejoice in this day that He has made! 

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