Friday, May 20, 2011

New Blogger Alert!

I have always enjoyed writing, but lately I have felt strongly compelled to write more!  Not for anything in partuclar, but just for myself.  I have never been interested in blogging until a good friend suggested that perhaps blogging may be a means in which I could write.  Therefore, after prayerful guidance and discussing the idea with my husband (whom I've added as an author to "Notes of Faith"), I have decided I will give it a try.  So, watch out avid bloggers, amateur coming through! 

The title of my blog, "Notes of Faith," comes from my favorite Bible verse, Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."  This particular verse was the first passage I learned growing up in the Methodist church.  As I have gone through the years of my life, I have only learned that this verse couldn't be more true.  I have complete faith in our Lord, God Almighty.  I have faith in His truths.  I have faith that we are all sinners.  I have faith that we are all forgiven as sinners that turn to the Lord for salvation.  I have faith that He will return for His children!  How wonderfully beautiful! 

So, as I set out on this new adventure, I have faith that I will find the literary satisfaction I write and write well!  Exciting!


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