Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Sometimes things just don't feel right, whatever "right" may be.  You can't quite put your finger on what is causing the uneasiness, but it can be uncomfortable to the point of annoyance.  What do you do in those moments?  Do you try to stay busy and keep your mind off of it?  Or do you focus on it, trying to decipher the code behind the feelings?  Do you write about it?  :) 

There is very little we can do to control it, so what we really should do is let it go into the Lord's hands and wait.  What an awful word "wait" can be!  We live in a society of "instant gratification," so waiting isn't a word many people enjoy hearing.  But the Lord makes it very clear, several times in the Bible, that He does things according to His time, not ours.  And His time is very different from ours!  It's easier said than done, waiting and trusting in the Lord's time...but if we can achieve this, a new peace can come over us.  He really does know best! 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Freedom Is Not Free

Our Great Nation's freedoms do not come free.  What an ironic idea!  Someone, many service men and women, have had to PAY for our freedoms, pay the ultimate sacrifice for our rights to Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech, just to name two very specific Constitutional rights that I will get to in a moment.  Now, I'm going to get on my "soap box" today and exercise my rights to Freedom of Speech, because what has happened is completely appalling. 

I am referring to Westboro Baptist Church's ludicrous and outrageous protests.  This group of radicals and extremists are a disgrace to this country and Christians.  They protests at military funerals with signs that say things like, "Thank God for 9/11" and "Thank God for IEDs!"  Have these people ever lost a family member or friend to such horrific acts or experienced the excrutiating pain of losing a loved one to combat?!  These individuals have obviously never had to sacrifice a damned thing for the Freedom of Speech of which they so blatantly abuse and take advantage!  But these freedoms ARE NOT FREE!  Someone DIED so that you, Westboro Baptist Churh Protesters, can take away their honor, their families' honor!  You didn't earn that Constitutional right, someone else earned it for you...by GIVING THEIR LIFE!  And now you abuse it...now you abuse something that you have never thought twice about earning.  It was given to you and you refuse to thank anyone for it, instead you "spit in the faces" of the service members, their families, and friends that have died so, that you may remain completely and utterly STUPID!  What a disgrace you all are to America and Christians.  Believe me, you are NOT Christians!  May God have mercy on your souls, even though you definitely do not deserve it!

Today is Memorial Day, a day for remembering those that have paid the utlimate sacrifice for our country and its freedoms.  So, stepping down from my "soap box" and getting down on my knees, I'm sending up a prayer of thanks and remembrance to those that have given their lives and prayers for the families that have lost loved ones.  Their sacrifice will never be forgotten!  And I want to thank my husband, father, brother, and many friends for their service to this Great Nation!  God Bless America!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Just keep swimming"

The above quote comes from a cute Disney movie entitled, "Finding Nemo."  A little fish, Nemo, gets seperated from his father at the beginning of the movie.  The movie's tale is about Nemo and his father's journey to find eachother again, facing obstacles throughout.  Along the way, Nemo meets Dory, a carefree and humorous fish. The two become quick friends and Dory assists Nemo in his quest.

We all have uniquenesses, some that may prove to be a challenge in our lives.  Nemo's was a "gimp" fin that prevented him from swimming efficiently.  His father had always encouraged him by saying, "Just keep swimming."  This was exactly what Nemo did at one point during the movie, when he found himself stranded and alone.

Sometimes we may find ourselves stranded and alone, seperated from our normal routine.  We have been taken out of our comfort zone, our "safe place."  Our worlds may be turned upside down, for many different reasons.  In those times, God encourages us to "Just keep swimming" and for that moment, that may be all we can do.  One of  my favorite songs, "Slow Life" says, "Just soldier on with it."  "Keep on trucking" is another phrase I say to myself when I'm experiencing  moments such as these. 

God also places people, like Dory, in our lives at certain times to help us through our trials.  These individuals may come as family, friends, or complete strangers.  But ultimately, it boils down to our faith in our Lord and believing He will see us through our challenges, no matter how painful they may be and no matter how long you may have to endure it, He will.  So, right now I think I will "just keep swimming."  

Monday, May 23, 2011

"This is the day that the Lord has made;

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!" - Psalms 118:24

My Grandpa is a retired United Methodist Pastor and I remember him opening his sermons with this verse.  What an incredibly uplifting verse, but how often do I find myself unable to remain focused on this message?  Too often, I'm afraid. It is so easy to become invovled in the anxiety of today, but we have control over our attitudes!  So, why choose to be anything other than rejoiceful in our blessings?  It's not as easy as it sounds, though, is it?  We want to be in control; to not have control may mean we're weak...who sold us that lie?!  To have true control is to have complete faith in the Lord and give all of our anxieties to Him.  He will take care of us!  Do not get me wrong, this is difficult to practice and I struggle daily with just that.  So, this morning I pray that the Lord grant me the wisdom to turn my anxieties over to Him.  Because only then will we know true peace!  It is a cloudy, dreary day here and I choose to rejoice in this day that He has made! 

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Blogger Alert!

I have always enjoyed writing, but lately I have felt strongly compelled to write more!  Not for anything in partuclar, but just for myself.  I have never been interested in blogging until a good friend suggested that perhaps blogging may be a means in which I could write.  Therefore, after prayerful guidance and discussing the idea with my husband (whom I've added as an author to "Notes of Faith"), I have decided I will give it a try.  So, watch out avid bloggers, amateur coming through! 

The title of my blog, "Notes of Faith," comes from my favorite Bible verse, Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."  This particular verse was the first passage I learned growing up in the Methodist church.  As I have gone through the years of my life, I have only learned that this verse couldn't be more true.  I have complete faith in our Lord, God Almighty.  I have faith in His truths.  I have faith that we are all sinners.  I have faith that we are all forgiven as sinners that turn to the Lord for salvation.  I have faith that He will return for His children!  How wonderfully beautiful! 

So, as I set out on this new adventure, I have faith that I will find the literary satisfaction I seek...to write and write well!  Exciting!